We focus on driving effective innovation and change.

“The worst thing that a company can do in a dyamic marketplace is to adopt status quo as a strategy. Status quo is a losing strategy.”

— Bob Iger

Our Principles

Our work is anchored in the following principles:


We constantly challenge the status quo, choosing whenever possible to create the best solution instead of the conventional or convenient one.


We always strive to deliver highest quality work, and the best possible brand experience for your customers, never settling for “good enough.”


As subject matter experts, we ensure that we stay up to date on developments in the field so we can bring you the latest knowledge, perspectives and insights.


We tell clients the truth, and are open and transparent in our working relationships, placing high value on complete and accurate information.


We treat clients and vendors as equal and valued partners who are we are collborating with to achieve shared goals.


We deliver what we commit to delivering, proactively communicating and troubleshooting whenever needed to achieve the agreed outcomes.

How we work

While we always tailor engagements to meet the client’s needs, we have an overarching approach for each of our focus areas:

For eCommerce Consulting, Training & Education:

We combine leading practices, category-specific insights, research, testing and/or analytics and creative problem-solving to define and deliver innovative solutions and engaging learning sessions designed to achieve the desired outcomes.

We can work either independently or as part of the client team, taking a flexible, pragmatic and hands-on approach to getting the job done.

Given this is a highly dynamic field, wherever needed we tap into our network of partners, vendors and individuals for additional knowledge and skills to ensure that we are delivering the highest-quality deliverables.

For Agency Selection and Certification:

Building on our deep understanding of the ecommerce agency services landscape, we follow a robust and objective evaluation process to determine the fit of agencies and individuals with the client’s specific needs.

We can either contribute ecommerce agency services expertise to an existing agency selection or evaluation effort or we can manage an entire agency selection effort from start to finish for clients seeking a new ecommerce agency.

As with our client work, where needed we tap into our network of partners, vendors and individuals to obtain complimentary knowledge and skills to ensure that we are delivering the highest-quality deliverables.

We’d love to meet you.